Kids’ stools

During the summer, the grandkids will be here and they need outdoor seating on the back patio.

Mrs G said “build them little mushroom stools.”
What’s that?
She says “it’s a stool with a round seat and a base which kinda flares out; or, maybe a stump.”

So, basically make something up; I’m good with that.
Had some 3/4” marine grade plywood hanging around and didn’t want to jigsaw and sand them round. Didn’t have a circle jig for the router but I have the Porter Cable plunge router Edge guide, like this dude:

The bars are 7mm, so I take an offcut from the 3/4” ply and drill 3 holes: 2 at 7mm for them and 1 pilot hole for a nail.
This took 5 minutes to make:

Drive the finish nail into what’s going to be the center and BYU.

It took about 15 minutes to make the 3 stool seats. They need the edge softened with a roundover bit but as a quick and dirty way of making circles, this was great.
I see a more elegant and adjustable circle jig for my router in the future. This worked well for a one time use jig.

I’m still deciding on the leg design.
I’ve got some time before they’re needed.
Sounds like a good project!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

I have made a variety of mushroom seats over a period of time
2011 Pine and pocket holes.

sadly it fell foul of the car in 2018

So I built the MII version Red Iron Bark , Pocket holes again , ... and it will be a tow job if anybody attempts to run over it!

the more recently the Mk III version Maple top and pine base with 3D carved segments, sporting Gold silver and copper inlay leaf! My favorite seat outside when I am doing wood work  or needing to be a bit taller.

both are still living and in use today Mar 2024

Regards Rob

It's tough to make collision proof seating, looks like you are getting close to bomb proof though. Your circle cutter is quick and dirty, but it makes as good a circle as some expensive deal with adjustments. Functional beats pretty any day for shop stuff. 
Here’s an update on the tops: