Cable Drum Tank tops

You may remember back in Nov 2022 I hauled eight big cable drum sides back from Sydney.
 I originally fabricated them into four table tops  with the intention to make tables from them.
Well advance to Apr 2024 and they still were still sitting around awaiting.
My water tanks needed a good tidy up and I found two of them were suitable to use to provide nice tops.
 I initially set to make a platform capable of me standing on as o needed to mesh in the brickwork to discourage   possums.
You may see the two mesh screens in the background.
I almost made it but ran out of plywood and the cable drum table tops were eyeballed for a solution.
Lo and behold they fitted perfectly so on they went.
Found some off cuts of Astro turf and it finished the project off perfectly.
All that remains is me to be disciplined enough to not place "junk" on top of them.
The other two found a home on Antmans farm, well I think they did unless they became bonfire material!

Regards Rob


Nice recycling 👍🏼

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Good use of them, Rob. Are those tanks collecting rain water- like an above ground cistern??

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

Interesting pictures and story.    Good use of the wood.    Nicely done.   


What's the story with those round lids on that square base... they don't overlap.  Do those round lids just keep the dust off?

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Hidden under all the shade cloth ate 2 x 1000 lt tanks
They look like this

Looking at it overall :- The metal frame holds a plastic poly tank which is not always UV proof  hence being wrapped in shade cloth the frame is open able so you can replace the tank if needed. you cann ot stand on the plastic tank but the frame is OK.
At the top:-  there is a large red screw cap fitted cap fitted so you can easly see in and pressure clean it if required.
Inside the cap is a smaller cap 40mm that a pvc pipe can go straight in and its a good tight fit. as you cam  see I have one of your diverter taps fitted to direct the water to one or the other 2000l water total.
At the bottom:- 
Is a shultz valve and cap, you  need to buy an adapter to get from the corporate thread to a standard garden hose thread.
I swap the outlet hose between the two and the is off to a pressure pump seen on the L/H tank near the trolley.

Regards Rob

Sorry for all the negativity RC... just wondering what you were smokin' when you decided to put that round top onto a square rig... or was it just a case of what the hell will I do with those rings... after a few puffs... flipped the coin ( couldn't wait till the 25th?) and decided to put a lid on it.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

yeah I better get the penny's ready
round tops, well it was a matter of de cluttering and they came in handy
Still has another bloody possum this week must have forgotten to close the roller door before dusk.
It got evicted with me wearing my motorcycle gloves and sent for a swimming lesson!

Regards Rob

..... with me wearing my motorcycle gloves and sent for a swimming lesson!

Breast stroke is hard with motor cycle gloves.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

I see the tanks, I see the cover, I see piping - what I don't see is the use ?
btw  - darn good use of what could have been fire and smoke
so i assume your collecting rain water for future use ?

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Its just for collecting rainwater off the roof all a bit environmentally driven, however I have hundreds of rain forest ferns orchids and plants  I propagate and enjoy
it generates more maintenance tasks than anything else.
So if anybody tells you it will save money I think they are a little misguided as,

The negatives:-
1. They take up grounds space.
2. Require cleaning out on a regular basis.
3. Tend to be a bit of an eye sore.
4. Require the existing storm water drains to be modified.
5. Roof gutters need constant cleaning.
6. A pump and additional hoses to distribute the water
7. It uses more electricity to operate
8. No moonshine is produced in the process

The positives:-
1. You get to visit your garden on a regular basis
2. You do not use as much council metered and costed water
3. Its good exercise and enjoyable pastime
4. You piss the neighbours off when there are water restrictions in place (snicker)
5. Underneath provides a home for my beloved Water Dragons and Blue Tongue Lizards that love eating cockroaches and annoying insects.
6. You think your doing your bit for the environment.
7. You get to makes lots of wooden "things" that get used in the process
In the final analysis the only thing you "save" is the water from just going down the drain.
Anyway back to woodworking!

Regards Rob

Very interesting project!!!!

4.  You piss the neighbors off when there are water restrictions in place  (snicker)
We have metered water but have yet to exceed our allotted usage.  For my potted flowers I have a 10 gallon plastic drum that I keep diluted with miracle grow.  In the summer months I have to add to it almost daily and I tell myself that the chlorine and other water plant additives dissipate because of being exposed to air and trapped in a container.   
We can always fool ourselves  lol
That's a pretty nice solution for lack of water. My wife wants a couple of 55 gallon drums fed by rain gutters. Since she (and I for that matter) is incapable of doing the necessary work, it ain't gonna happen. 

Steven- Random Orbital Nailer

You should buy some mode drums... So when QLD has the next drought,

you could release and make the neighbours feel at home.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

The reason QLD floods so much is the fact the water management along with just about all other utilities (roads, electricity, Gas, waste management, housing, and everything else taxpayer contribute to  is because of appreciation of the fact with the population increasing (surprise surprise) all the loot collected to manage the utilites may be just getting or being used elsewhere?  

Regards Rob

..... or being used elsewhere?  
Duck safety!

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Well done Rob. 
Also another WELL DONE 👍 for handling the banter. 

Life’s Good, Enjoy Each New Day’s Blessings