Cypress live edge adjustable desk

I have worked from home for the past decade and had an adjustable desk that I fitted into a second-hand armoire style desk.  It worked pretty well, but as monitor sizes grew, I needed a bigger desk and a power adjuster.  So I bought an inexpensive sit stand  power desk and used the legs off it.   The two Cypress slabs that make up the top came from trees I had cut down in 2019.   I milled them by hand with a chainsaw.  I used my flattening sled and router to flatten them.  One of them had a chainsaw miss that was too deep to remove, so I hid the scar by making it into something I thought it resembled.  A dolphin.   This worked pretty well.  

  • Size: 56" x 26"
  • Finish: 5 coats of Dark Tung Oil from Milkpaint Co. (using all light coats and sun cure method)

Sources for more detail:


Nice save with the dolphin! 👍🏼

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Real nice inlay job with the water and dolphin!! How does it adjust?

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

nice desk, and a cool inlay.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.


@jimjakosh the desk adjust swith push buttons that run the legs taller or shorter.  Has three memories that you can set to remember your sitting, your standing and something else for if you share the desk with someone who is of different height.
Like the wood, nice grains. Love the Dolphin. I have a couple of the cheaper cousins, mine have crank handles. Adjustable height in the shop kicks butt. I'm good to sit and type for the puter though. 
Thanks GeorgeWest.  After building this one, I was actually contemplating building a more robust one for the workshop.  I am not sure if these particular legs would be up to the task, but I think there are companies that make stronger ones.
That looks great. That's one way to make sure a desktop stays clean - make it so darn pretty you can't leave it covered up!
Thanks Steve.  That strategy has not worked for me.  There isn't much visible space left on it  :(
I just got one through Amazon that is 1000 pounds, it is height adjustable, just not quickly. It has several holes up and down the legs, and you set it where you want it. I figured it made a very sturdy bench like structure. My plan is to build it out with a box underneath so I can put in storage, drawers, like a cabinet, but without a need to frame it, thats already done. It was 139 bux, and they had them from 99 up to 300 or so with a lot of different perks. Mine is electrified, and had both flat feet, and rollers to put into the legs. I'm thinking stored along a wall, and rolled out as need mostly for working on, but assemblies more than anything. Came with a 1 1/2" solid wood top. Cost wise at first it sounded high, but with plywood 50 bux or more for XYZ stuff, much less cab grade it started to look like a deal.
That sounds pretty nice GeorgeWest.  Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.  Price and weight rating sound great.