
6 entries

1 Saw clamps

I started building a chevalet. I want to thank Paul (aka shipwright) and Mike for their help. Downloaded the Sketch up drawing made by Paul. Below ...

2 Saw bow

I started building a chevalet. I want to thank Paul (aka shipwright) and Mike for their help. Downloaded the Sketch up drawing made by Paul. Below ...

3 Gliding system

I started building a chevalet. I want to thank Paul (aka shipwright) and Mike for their help. Downloaded the Sketch up drawing made by Paul. Below ...

4 Stand(ard)

I started building a chevalet. I want to thank Paul (aka shipwright) and Mike for their help. Downloaded the Sketch up drawing made by Paul. Yester...

5 Storage

Today I ordered some saw blades for the chevalet and also found a place for storage. Thanks for watching.

6 Saw blades

Today I got some different (jigsaw) saw blades. But the intarsia pattern isn’t yet there. Therefore, you have to be patient about my experiences wi...