Work Bench Build

16 entries

11 Leg Vise & Crisscross Install

My health has taken a bad turn lately so progress has been crawling. The recent trips to physio therapy, sports massage, ultrasound, chiropractor, ...

12 Carpenters Vise Install

Taking things easy doing one task per day. Worked for a couple of hours and I managed to install the carpenters Vise. I will still have some finish...

13 Face Vise on the end Install

A slow day again, only an hour work, but I managed to install the face Vise. I am using the Vise on the end of the bench instead of the front face....

14 Glue Up and Final Assembly

Well this is the day, the final assembly of the legs, the stretchers, and the bench top. We held a quick briefing and took note of the time. The gl...

15 Update

Here’s another ten items finished, only about a dozen to go. Roubo Work Bench “to do,” list and, assembly order. ^ ^ equals completed work. ^ ^ ^ ^...

16 Final Pictures

Well this will close up this blog on my journey building this Robou Hybid Workbench. When I started I wanted to be able to hold and clamp wood in o...