Hey Don,
Just brainstorming here…
Since I know this website intricately, I was wondering how to make this even more easy to navigate. I see the headers for Stanley, Sargent, but not other brand specific planes. I know that would make the header too busy to add all of those there, so…

Let me pick Sargent, I bet you didn’t see THAT coming ;-). How about a “separate” page set aside ONLY for links to specific pages:

  • planes by # — #407, #408, #5400, etc.
  • a link just for Sargent frogs
  • a link for castings
  • a link for cutters
  • a link to a TYPE comparison of each of the above

The way I look at this, is that you already have all of this information posted somewhere on the site. This “new” page would only help folks navigate more quickly to where their interest is taking them.

What I do NOT know… Can you have a link that will take you 1/2 or 2/3 down a given posted page? I know much of what you have is a long uninterrupted list/page of your finds and restores, so I was wondering if a link could take me to a particular one/project/plane on that page? Or do we have to scroll down each time, to find our target?

Bottom line is that I am jealous of what you are doing Don, because I have been way too lazy to attempt this. So I am suggesting what I can to make this as easy as possible to navigate before the growing database overwhelms the current layout.
