The inspiration for each piece I make often comes together over time. Sometimes as I’m making one piece, I visualize a slightly different direction and I file that away and ponder it and other ideas as I work. That was the case with this one. It is a version of the last coffee table I made but with a beefier, heavier, more mechanical look. The idea for the metal, riveted look came to me when my neighbor showed up with a truckload of hardwood stickers. Because they weren’t very wide, they ended up being pretty narrow boards which I thought would look good held in place with the metal rails and shiny screws. The wheels themselves also helped shaped the design of the table. The big cart wheels weigh 17 lbs. each and the casters are also heavy at about 10 lbs, each. I loved the heavy, durable feel of the wheels and wanted to make the whole thing massively solid. I estimate it weighs one 200 lbs.
