Can you also print and render drawings with onshape?
Hi Dutchy. Onshape does allow you to create drawings, although I've not explored that aspect too much yet. Yes, you could exchange the table, but I wouldn't want to try to lift it off with both tools attached. I can feel a pull in my back already.
Lazyman commented about 21 hours ago new Dutchy, you can render drawings to any scale you want, including 1:1, both in 3D and in 2D. I worked on a belt grinder design last year to better learn Onshape and as part of that I was able to render a full size drawing which in my case was much larger than a standard 8.5x11 page. IIRC, the drawing is downloaded to PDF and then I used Acrobat to actually print it page by page. Acrobat has an option to add cross hairs for alignment purposes and once I printed and taped it together, the dimensions were perfect. This ability is perfect for printing paper templates.
Thanks. Now I work with Fusion 360 from autodesk, but the subscription will expire in about six months. And it is always good to look around you.