Hey Pottz,... its great to see you here. with regards to the Chaise Rocker, I've never met Sam Maloof before neither have I seen, touch or feel any of Sam Maloof's furniture pieces. The best I could get is pics of his furnitures from google searches and youtubes.

Ok, back to the Chaise Rocker. I yearn to have one when I saw it online. And you are right, they are no plans available, no templates, no videos, no sketches, nothing ever since it was completed 3 months before his passing.

The only resources I have about the Chaise Rocker are just 2 pics which I search online. And they are ,
Since, I've made myself a Maloof Rocker, handcrafting a Chaise Rocker wouldn't be a difficult task. However, getting the rear leg inclination angle was challenging. I've had to blow up those 2 pics and measure them with an angle protractor to get a rough estimation of the rear leg inclination angle. Then, I'd use my previous rocker templates, placing them on a full drawn scale of the Chaise making sure that the curvature and the angle of the rear leg flows organically yet maintaining its equilibrium position.  Oh yeah, I've to measure my body too. The entire shape of the Chaise Rocker is done solely based on just the 2 pics. Measurements are calculated and drawn on a graph paper in accordance with the blown-up pics and my body size. (Drawn to true size of the Chaise Rocker)

As for the upholstery part, there's an hour-long Sam Maloof interview on YouTube. In it he discusses about how he made an upholstery frame for a back seat swirl chair. Thus, I learn the method from there and apply it to the Chaise Rocker and it turn out well

To summarize it all, this Chaise Rocker was handcrafted from scratch with just 2 pieces of Chaise Rocker pics available online and an interview of himself on Youtube. Plus of course my previous experience on building a Sam Maloof Rocker.
