Indeed, Mike. I use four passes with my 3mm table saw blade on the inside, and then if I’ve done things right, two or three passes on the outside (offset so one or two passes overlap with the ones from the inside), et voila! I think Eric showed that trick to me first, but I’m not certain. It saves me having to spend $10 for hinges and a latch.

Nathan, try this table which has all the pricing in one place. This time I got white oak in 4” and 8” widths, in ¼ and ⅜ thicknesses. I had ordered a pretty big box of poplar from them in the past, in 4 and 6” widths and ¼ inch thick, and I also order ash and bubinga in ⅛ (for splines for miter and spline construction to match my table saw blade thickness) and ash in ¼  for box construction. I tend to order about $200 worth of microlumber at a crack, which ends up being a 20-30 pound box when the UPS guy delivers it.

May you have the day you deserve!