
Truthfully, I hate writing reviews unless I have at least one other similar tool to compare it with. Features are great, but unless they are better than the other, then they are just repeating the sales brochure.

I must admit, I also hate to spruik an item if I haven't got/had/used an alternative to compare it with.

However, the brochures don't tell you the oopsies one may encounter.  These oopsies are not necessarily a "- star" contributor, and is/are helpful for others to realise they are making a common mistake.
Brochures are written by "techos" who might know the product inside out... or 1/2 bi-lingual Chinese who lose it in the translation... nevertheless not all readers are experts and many know bugger all about the product or what the hell they are talking about.... years ago, it took me a while to realise that a bush is not something to hide behind or something that existed before razors were invented in Brazil

When I go into a tool shop and ask about a tool and the salesperson starts reading the package... bugger off... I can read... I want to know what's not written on the package or the glossies.

Personally I love reviews as they often open up items I am not aware of (all be it lack of exposure in Aussieland and my lack of general reading), in which case I'll even tolerate a 1 picture, 1 sentence post.

It was through an "idle comment" made by Pottz that made me aware of the Mini-Max tablesaw (before he did the review).  I could see me extensively using it for my small models (posted on LJ, not here)... it's taken a while, but finally got delivered yesterday... lucky I have a 240V→110V inverter.

I also made a comment on a post about reference to a lack of review of a Woodpecker blast gate... the reply was "it's only a blast gate"... well I never heard/seen them before that comment... piggy backed 2 on another Wodpecker's order to test them out (... only to realise I already had my blast gate requirements covered by shop made self cleaning ones). 

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD