Bought one and am a bit unsure of the tool and if I will use it.
Concern is on my big Delta Miter Saw the work is supported on the base as it is cut. This has a gap under the base that extends back about 1/4" Leaving the work unsupported at the cut. Will fiberous type woods tend to splinter more than having a firm base? Will have to find out now and when and if the blade is not new.
The safety switch is a bit inconvenient Probably disable it. Guess it is for safety, keeps the blade from being lowered until it is pushed and held while making a cut, it is not the on/off switch.
If I make my own support piece and disable the safety switch then it comes closer to my idea of what it should be. But I am fussy about my tools and how I use them.
For straight cut offs will use the Micro Mark table saw Use this if the cut offs are at an angle.