Thanks for the blog series B_UKy... didn't comment on individuals, but the overall would be a sin to pass up.

While I may never build such a vice (I have my monogrammed handscrews for lightweight work... meant as a compliment and not a derision)... I have too many vices...
I have picked up many good ideas for other unrelated projects... though I have replaced in my mind, your block screws with my go-to Beall threaders.

It's these type of blogs that help us hackers grow our woodworking knowledge.   

Many authors may think what they do is ho-hum, but in reality, many readers may get inspiration... 
Please don't stop... I appreciate it takes that extra effort, but many will/should appreciate it.... I certainly do.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD