re: End Table

I am curious to know more about a drill press jig to make a rounded shape. I don't have a lathe either. Getting stuff cylindrical, or round is a chore the way I do it, which is kinda starting with a square, and knocking off corners to make it an octogon, then files, rasps, and whatever sanding thingie that works it down to a really crappy, usually uneven, more rounded shape. 

Also a huge GF fan. Arm R Seal is my bestest buddy for finishing, but then I am an old caveman sort of guy, and hear tell there are "Oils" and stuff that a lot of the young'uns think are really swell. I hear some folks even spray finishes out of some kind of gun, amazing. Lint free rag, pair of gloves, and I'm doing it, for me. :-)

The table looks like it could take a beating, and come out fine. Practically KID proof.