You know, when you get right down to it. (A downtoit is a lot like a roundtoit, but involves a point to be made) Clamps are a real PIA.

You absolutely can use clamps, and sometimes you need all 754 registered types of them for a simpleass little box or something.

But they cost a LOT of $$$$$

They weigh a TON

Then you need a place to store them, but unlike wood, or other things you can't build a "Clamp building" or you would be all week hauling clamps from storage to a place of use.

That storage can't be far from their end place of use, or you might have a few days hauling them from the "wall o clamps" to your bench. Don't even think about the return trip, and this is why most woodworkers have them strewn all over the place.

I'm sure I just touched on all the ways clamps are a PIA, but after what I put down I need a nap.