For those who aren’t aware, and who have more time than money, the Mountain Woodcarvers Clearance Sale has some awfully good prices on a few tools. They are not sharpened, but they’re good steel. The selection is small, but they have at least one of every curve, and I’ve been happy with all of the gouges I’ve bought from them (once I sharpened them up). Sorry, Kenny, but the only V is a 70 degree.

I also got a couple dozen blanks from them on a previous closeout sale. They’re blanks for a #1x13mm gouge (i.e. flat) but they’re thick enough blanks that I made a #5x8mm gouge from one by grinding it carefully. I don’t see any of the blanks there now but if someone wants to try their hand, I could probably swap a couple for something or other. You couldn’t make any of the deeper gouges from them, but for shallow gouges, these would work.

May you have the day you deserve!