Being a "looking into all this laser stuff" guy I read every word. most twice to make sure I got the gist of it. Great write up.

I believe you really do get as much use of your laser, as most here do. It's in every one of your classy jigs, and with them the detail you are getting is incredible. I think had you of gotten a hobby level unit, even if it meant venting outdoors you would be the biggest laser cheerleader here. Cost is likely your biggest issue, but of all the users here you can talk about these from the really higher side of the fence. Lord knows yours with it's fancy schmansy vent unit must have been close to 50 K American. If your Daughter should reverse her stance, or you find a plug and play use to get some commercial use from yours I believe you would be happy. Sounds like you have the understanding to make it sing and dance for you, and I do believe that unit could sing and dance. 

As always, thanks for sharing Duck.