... with it's fancy schmansy vent unit must have been close to 50 K American.
No Yankee imperial $, but Aussie metric $s... Not much chanege out of $40K 15 years ago when lasers were still novel and pricey.

Nowadays you can pick up a reasonable laser for just a few shekels... ask the boys... many have ventured down the bargain aisles.

You don't need to spend a fortune, but I do recommend one that is capable of cutting 6.35mm... preferably 7mm, relatively comfortably in 1 pass. Any thicker is $$$$s.  With 6.35 (std ply/MDF) you can always laminate to get thickness.
My biggest hassle was living in terrace house, I shared adjoining walls with my neighbours... (old house, weatherboard... not even luxury of brick) so I had to worry about neighbours complaints vs inside filtration.    

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD