Good insight into your FessLaser Duck!

Seems your software, though proprietary, has all the functions a mortal might need.

Costs have come way down, especially for CO2 units from China. I suspect they are getting paid to remove our "sequestered carbon" from our power plants and then selling it back to us as lasers.

CO2 is what anyone should consider if they are considering cutting anything transparent or thicker than 1/4" and don't have a few hours to waste.

The diode lasers are great for engraving if you want to invest the minimal amount of cabbage.

Call me shocked at the initial and consumables cost for that filter system, but being a commercial grade unit I suppose it is common.

Personally, if I lived in a high person density environment, I'd still consider direct venting to save some cash. If the neighbors complained about the noxious stench, I'd just claim it was the wife preparing dinner.ðŸ¤