Thanks all for looking.  With the simplicity of this puzzle, I was hopping a few more people would join me if only to piss pottzy and his puzzle nemesis off.

 commented 43 minutes ago
Hey, is that a "left over" piece in the last photo????

I like the greater complexity of this versus the simpler designs. Really amazing to me is how all the pieces are identical save the spare part above. One could make a million of them 🤠

I couldn't read the improvised solution, so I made a bloody 9.5mm packer and the non standard key was left over.

You could make a million of them and collate/assemble 83,333.333333333333333333333333333 stocking stuffers for next Xmas.

The next 12 piece BURR I have on the drawing board are all the same.  Unfortunately its not as easy to cut...

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD