Thanks Boys and Girls for looking.

I  think your Japanese model is probably more attuned to chopping, and such. 
GW, if you are referring to my Chinese cleaver,

that is a poor man's samirai katana.

..... Does your display case have hinges?..... 

I may be unhinged, but the box has hinges... I have upfdated the post with an EDIT for latecommers, however, to save you the hassle of having to read the whole thing again, here are the pictures (clasp, hinges and French cleat hanger),

Actually the spline jig is very simple but can serve a dual purpose... for ZC, it takes a "thin" 2.2mm kerf and with a 180° flip I can slap a "standard" 3.175mm kerf blade onto the TS.

PJ (and pottzy) everytime I start up Alice's... I feel compelled to sit back and listen to the end... not so much the music (I'm tone deaf), but for the warped sense of humor.
Anyone that hasn't endured it... it's a must... best 18 minutes of your life wasted.

 commented about 12 hours ago
Quacking Cracking  job

Smirkingly, I chortled to that statement... cracked the first glass top I cut for it... fortunately embarrassment and not blood was the result... and the extra shekels for the new glass.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD