Nice deal, love how that works. I don't have that degree of organization though. Currently I need a change from what I do have. Plastic tubs with bits sorted into similar types, all still in their little protective storage tubes, and sleeves.

My plan is to make a cabinet that lives within my Kreg setup, plans from Wood magazine IIRC. Inside of the storage cabinet I will have these foam trays (already purchased, sale with free S&H, yada yada) They will be, see and identify, which for most is pretty easy, but between bits like DT, and Chamfer they come with several degrees of angle, knowing what I am grabbing would be nice, but I'm not sure of how to mark these pads? Or do I really want to??

Having a home for stuff is pretty easy, I already have many of the varied things done. My issue is remembering to bring items back to their little roost spot. Instead I have a way of making new roost spots. I'm not sure but this could be that way down inside I am not thrilled with the roost spot I made as a home for my belongings???? Probably need a shrink, for sure need better organization. Sorting through endless piles of stuff looking for what you want is very time consuming. I often wish the "plastic tub" was never invented, but I'd probably be back to pop trays, and other cardboard boxes. When it comes to organization, I am perhaps the worlds best procrastinator.