Yes - these types with the wide bolster are straight in. these being the ones I made above. They have no relief and would ram into the side of the cut if just fitted with a wider handle. The bolster could be smaller if there's a ferrule at the end, but socketed is more common and just isn't a type of chisel I favor making (socketed) - I like to focus on stuff that stays at the bench. 

I make a lot more chisels in a 19th century style like below, though and generally trade them around with friends or acquaintances, or once in a while someone who can shake me loose by proposing something unusual that isn't available commercially, but I don't build professionally and don't want to operate a business, so never at a profit.

If you avoid getting caught up in using the steels that are used now out of convenience, you can get to a point that you can make better chisels than are available, but the heat treating part of this is important to really get dead right.