Also looking forward to seeing more. Also loving that T-Track jig. I have a lot of T Track, and after seeing this am seeing new ways to use it. Wondering if you could illustrate your round clamping pads, close pic, or explanation as to what I am seeing? Those behind on the rack, appear to be stacked washers, OR plywood, From the tops of the ones in use they look to be solid, and the holes don't appear to be dead centered, is there science there, or just any old hole works as well as a centered one? 

Being more into box like shapes I could see my "pads" being squares, rectangles, or triangles,  but for the softer curves of stringed instruments I can see roundish would be smoother, gentler. Really cool jig, makes me want to run back to the shop and start making. :-)

Thanks for posting this, made my week.