Also adds options. Some peeps would rather be boiled in oil, than to build one jig, tool, or whatever. For all the time they have to do woodworking they want to do woodworking, not jig making. I've always loved to make tools, and jigs to help me out, so I look at a lot of these posts as 2 ways to do it, and will frequently add a lower priced retail option for the, never builders.

I really hope that any OP didn't feel like I crapped on their thread, that isn't my intention. It's just to show options. Sometimes the builds are way better than the retail variant, sometimes not, just an option is all. 

I just thought about what I do, and I had never given a thought to thread dumping. Lately I have been called out for it, and I am trying to quit. It's worse than smoking though. :-O

Going forward I will post another thread and just show options. Really hope no one feels I am putting down anyone's build, not my intent at all, just options. A lot of peeps don't know a lot of the options, and I'm not trying to school the OP, just show others options. Usually the OP's already know the options I am showing. 

Now I feel bad, I'm a closet thread stomper. A lifetime of bad choices, I'll probably end up in jail...