1. Corrected the incorrect spelling of untensils!
Now some replies
Jim Jakosh- Jim its a worthwile item if your into spoons or uneven surfaces, as you saw with the little ladle I had to revert to my holesaw and router bits to produce a workable item.

HokieKen- Being a "expert" on the sharpening aspect you will be interested to know the cutting surface is a circular negative rake carbide insert and possibly only cuts in maybe a 1/4 of the insert allowing you to rotate it to a new face and continue on.

Pottz- the company is in western Australia and the manager owner Kevin Inkster is a wizz at tool design, he has a few youtube videos (that LBD pointed me to) along with the Turbo Planner which is similar to RyanGi's comment regarding the Kutzal.

RyanGi- Ryan there is a few Youtube comparisons of the Turbo planner and Kutzal, Marc the Wood Whisperes and Stumpy Nubbs that I know of.

Thanks for commenting guys  I may amuse myself making $2.50 wooden spoons! The things we do with wood!
I still have fond memories of my Mom breaking a few across my legs many years ago! 

I think Eagles and Bears  in tree stumps in the front yard are way beyond my skills.

Regards Rob