Birdseye...the new format was allowed the site to function better.  However it was very different and lots of these guys are not good with a lot of change and that was a truckload.  We were also promised  changes that never occurred, but I get that was not John.  
What was John was the the things listed by Pottz.....they literally reworded posts...took out other posts ...and banned folks when they got frustrated and lashed out.  Power was issued to the moderators, and Lord knows they used it.  They perused the site with a fine tooth comb and made changes issued warning and shut threads down with regularity.....THAT WAS JOHN!  
I managed cops, I was a Captain.  Rookies show up and immediately begin to nit pick.  The public is not ok with that.  Yes there are certainly concerns that need to be dealt with, but need to be done with kindness, consideration and respect.  Tickets do not always need be issued, and minor offender if they understand what they did wrong do not need to be arrested.  You begin to understand as you mature in the job.  John and crew had rookie syndrome...they showed up with their authority and began to dominate the site.  The whole thing was painful to watch...a once great site, managed by a total incompetent, and a collection of rookie moderators that ruined the whole thing.   They made us feel like we were in Jr High again with some old lady teacher with a ruler to rap our knuckles.   And for the record I have been back once in a couple of years and then only to check on the health of a couple people that I considered friends and was concerned about.  So excuse us if we do not jump up with open arms to welcome a member of that crew......
