Hey Duck, great write up, always make me chuckle, while edumacating me.

For those interested in just stopping noise the classic is plugs go to 35 to 38, and bands and muffs usually to 31.

There are outliers I have 3M muffs that are 35 NRR, and these guys claim 37 NRR

If you are only interested in stopping noise, you can do the flighline deal, and wear plugs, inside of your Muffs, you don't get the full effect of all the added numbers, but you can get some pretty good scores.

I still use my EyeMuffs in the shop. IIRC mine are a 31NRR, but the goggles that fit easily over my glasses help keep all the dust out of my eyes, which I have always had more issue with that then hearing issues. Ducky, you ought to reach out to Jorge about trying a pair of them, he's in Australian, and he might make ya a deal. :-)