Thanks for the comments/feedback guys…
Unfortunately what we have available in Aussieland is a small subset of your Yankeeland offerings… and inter. shipping would often double the price.  While I normally don’t get unduly intimidated by costs I do hesitate forking out extra shekels on a whim without testing.
I have tried a swagfull of ear “protection” over the years, however, as I do a lot of sanding and buffing (of MDF), my Trend faceshield is a must to protect my lungs… and the Trend is not ear muff friendly. I can live without hearing, but a tad harder without lungs. These ear pods were the first that I’ve been comfortable in… with/without the Trend.  The fact that I can hear backround talkback on the radio (Alaxa) is a bonus.

R’Gi, In my defence, I’m glad I hadn’t heard of those SG-31 as I probably might have considered them and they would have been caught foul with my Trend… However, from your reaction/comment, it sound similar to my reaction the first time I tried my Fe$tool against noise.
In the past, I never worried about “low level” noise (and duration), however, if the Fe$tool are “accurate”, I’m now amazed at the “low level” noise it dulls out... that I used to ignore. 
Mokey, you know I’m a gadgets man… as my mobile does not enter the workshop, apps are not an option.
I would also have done a review on my Dylos,
if I knew how it worked.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD