re: Pen boxes

Thanks, folks!

Splint, I put Tried and True Varnish Oil on it. Might’ve had a single coat of Real Milk Paint’s Half and Half on first, but I don’t remember for sure. This Russian olive came from bigger trees than I’ve ever seen before. They grew in the creek-bottom of La Cienega near Santa Fe, and I’ve got logs too big to resaw on my old Delta 14 inch bandsaw with a riser. I’ve been splitting them with a froe, and then milling them on the table-saw if I want lumber, and it’s all that color.

If you need a chunk, let me know. I’m sure we can work something out. Or if you’re after a bunch, I can set you up with Kevin and he’ll give you as much as you’d like to haul away. He’s trying to clear all the Russian olives and get cottonwoods growing there instead, and it’s maybe 5 acres of creek-bottom he’s clearing.

For the colors, the blue is System Three’s Klickitat Cast FX pigment and the purple is the Montlake pigment. Their color guide has all the available colors, and I’m slowly trying them out.

May you have the day you deserve!