Nice job Dan. I don't have an egg, so I'll just say cool looking stuff on the BGE Swag, love the box, and that you always use diseased woods, is a sure way to win. :-)

I have made spoons, and for firsties you made a very nice bowl, and your paddle/spatula is very nice as well. Now that opener kicks major butt, nice job on an entry into beer/BBQdom, you came in screaming.

Wish I was in, but with 4+ hours a day in getting radiated, I find I have enough time to dabble in the shop, but planning for an actual project is still in my future, hopefully next year. Of course I'm trying not to be a pantywaist, and come to this woodworking forum, and talk about anything except wood, and woodworking, lest I anger the actual owners of this site. Putz and Rich. 

Only question I have is where are the brewski's? Don't tell me Earl quit drinkin beer. Ahhhh, please don't tell me that.