Thanks Girls (and Boys), appreciate the look (and comments) and condolences to those that foolishly got to the bottom.
Unfortunately my medical cover is only for immediate family and I have my legal team ready to handle any litigation due to mental/visual stress.

 commented about 4 hours ago
BUT, where is the laser cut MDF  ? 
I was thinking the same, but then LBD had to add that laser cut spacer. Of course I see he whacked it off a little later.
 Personally I'd have been expecting him to cut from the other end, it is his signature mantra! 

ght ("half" right) Splinter,  did try to cut from the longer end, but realised I had that bloody threaded insert there... kinda made minced meat out of my Kakuri blade,

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD