A lot of steps involved with this one Duck

Just wait for the ones I have in the pipeline to be posted... out of the 97  I have on record,

only 20 have been posted... yet... someone get Pottzy a defib!  Some are variants of others so I may only have 60 to post.

 Jim Jakosh
Cool and so accurate with the laser. What wattage is your laser, Ducky??
Because of their accuracy (down to 0.2mm... approx kerf size) is the reason I predominantly use MDF... easier to predict thickness... and no wastage in dressing down solids... though from China (I presume), the MDF thickness is starting to vary outside my comfort zone.

My laser is 30W.

Some of my smaller puzzles that I give away for free, I mass produce in lots of 72... it takes over 100 times as long to package them into sets than to create.

This was a swag of different puzzles I ran off ( and grouped) for a friend so he and his grandson could then individually package them as prezzies,

(Some of the "less simple" ones were in less than lots of 72.)

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD