Thanks, guys. Splint, I must admit that the compound angles were messing with my head. I only cut on scrap pieces until I got things figured out.
Completing the second seat frame did go quicker once I realized that I could use the same bevel angle to layout the mortises in the main stretchers. With a straightedge spanning the stretcher, I could reference off the straightedge to layout the position for the Domino fence.
One of the struggles of aligning the shoe of the Domino against the fence is that the centerline engraving on the Domino is so faint. I stuck on a piece of tape and transferred the line on to the tape. Much easier to align.
Another dry fit of both chairs. I marked all the pieces for one chair with a tag of blue tape. This is just in case there are slight differences between like pieces, I know that this combination of pieces fits together well.