I turned it on its side to test it so that the lazy Susan bearings were horizontal and it does work better.  I will have to see if I can find some affordable bearings with less run-out and less resistance in the vertical orientation.  

I also took the shipping strap off the new spring and it actually seems  stronger than I thought it would be.  I think that it is actually a different type of spring, even though packed up tight it looks similar.  I think it is a constant force spring.  When I released the outer end but still keeping it from completely unwinding with a clamp, it actually wants to uncoil and roll up in the opposite direction.  I will have to experiment with it.  I think that type of spring will require a different design with 2 sprockets for the spring.   One on the reel's shaft like I currently have and another allows it to wind in the opposite direction as it springs back.   

--Nathan, TX. Hire the lazy man. He may not do as much work but that's because he will find a better way.