Checked out the SU model more closely to see how the locking mechanism actually worked... quite inventive.  Many may not realise the "complexity" of what seems like a "simple build".

What version of SU do you use... my 2018 initially crapped out on the download... did I ask you that before?

ALso be interested in what "cut list" plugins you use (assuming you do from the layout) though I would only need a watered down version for my puzzles, but one day I might give Pottzy a heart attack and make something big again (😉😉😉)... though I might wait for his retirement so his boss wont have to foot the sick leave.

Also which bolt/thread generator you use or are they hacked up using first principles (I use EP Fasteners & Holes).
Haven't done much plugin investigation since they went subscription which I refuse to take part in.

Their height roughly matches that of my workbench and table saw on its rolling stand. That means I can use them like extensions to my bench, and as a makeshift table saw outfeed table ...
That has the sounds of a rough outfeed transition...  Exact would have been preferred.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD