BB1 What started your interest in puzzles? It requires so much precision (and patience).
No more precision and patience than you have proven in your projects.
To cut a short story, long.... My enthusiasm towards puzzles started back around 1967-68 when I bought my first puzzle in a magic shop while footing it on my way to Melbourne uni.
After posting a puzzle on LJ, just as a quota filler, I got inspired by corelz125, who started the ball rolling back there and continued it here.
The hardest part of puzzles are the dimensions and solutions… not so much the making if you follow measurements. Hopefully I have made that easy(er) though the metric may need to be converted to better more measurable imperial fractions.
I found that there is limited interest by many woodworkers, however, a fair interest out there in the public who need to be supplied and when you see the price of some of these puzzles on the internet ($100+), I’m surprised they aren’t being snapped up and reproduced like hot cakes.
Furthermore they make great Christmas presents and are appreciated by the more ingenious youths… and I love to carry around a pocketful of the small (and easy to make on the laser) ones, and just hand them out as freebies to people I come across that may seem to be interested.
They also kept/keep me active while I’m recovering from a 80% loss of my left arm usage due to a slipped disc in my back in 2021.
If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD