Nice small sled Jim. I find I only use the chop saw for rough cuts, and any close or finish cuts get put on the sled. Using a stop you can get a lot more accurate cuts, and  miters, and I find the finished ends are much cleaner, crisp actually. You too may become a frequent user if you get a lot of smallish parts, or start seeing what I have seen a long time ago. I know time spent with a shooting board has gone way down to get dressed ends since I quit using the chop saw. They truly are rough construction tools. 

About sawing it in half? I find that when the part gets cut I am looking straight down on it, and I just stop pushing, maybe it's just me, but I think it's one of those human nature things. Of all the guys I know using a sled, I don't remember a story of someone cutting it in half. Most fences I see are around 1" to 1 1/2" thick, so I don't think it's because they are extra meaty. You just kinda stop. Some put a saw blade "block" behind the fence, but I usually don't, never a problem.