Thanks, guys.

Kenny, correlation is not causation, but better safe than sorry? I was kinda in your neighborhood in mid-January. Ended up driving through far western Virginia because I-40 fell down in NC (Helene) and we were heading home with a rocking chair (from Elia Bizzarri in Hillsborough, NC) in the back of our new Grand Highlander (which I also got from Virginia, go figure). But there was a winter storm bearing down, so we beat feet to get out of the “mountains” to between Nashville and Memphis before the storm hit for reals. Turns out, I got to drive I-40 through downtown Nashville with 5 or 6 of my closest damnyankee friends who weren’t afraid of a half inch of snow on an otherwise empty interstate. Anyway, wish the weather had allowed time to stop and say howdy.

May you have the day you deserve!