BB1 and Splinter, it's good to hear (for others) that they have the "many more holes" option. For those that don't mind hole alignment, that tad more lastability and frugality (don't we all), they seem like a great solution.

Since discovering Abranet, I could never revert to holey discs, especially after taking someones suggestion on these Mirka discs,

Great discs, but bugga to align... no, not hard, but when you didn't need to in the past, it becomes a bugga.

As can be seen, it doesn't take much to catch an Abranet,

if you look closely at the perimeters, however, with a bit more care and cleaning with those rubber (desert boot sole's) sticks,

they can be coerced into lasting much longer... as all other type of discs. The sticks are not reserved for belt/drum sanders.

I did get sucked into getting some 3M Xtract mesh discs which are reputed to be not as "brittle" as Abranet,

Have tried and seem to be more durable, however, I've a bucketload of Abranet to use up first,

and with my new more care and clean regime, they may outlast the wait time for switching to the 3M.

Probably should do a review of the Abranet.  Sorry BB1, again I have been guilty of deflecting from the OP.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD