Great review Nathan. Exactly the kind of thing I would want to read if I was considering buying one. They seem to have adopted a large corporate approach as a small business. IMO something like this RELIES on tinkerers being able to tinker and forum/social media support from users and the company to support it.
I can see the walled garden approach for wanting to provide super reliable, plug and play experIence for new users. But, if that’s what you’re aiming to provide and if you’re doing it at the cost of being able to modify it or use third part accessories or software, you better darn well provide that experience and make it accessible. One of the main reasons I opted for the Ender for my first 3D printer was all of the online community for tinkering. I’d want the same if I was buying a CNC so I imagine Next Wave is off my possibilities list if/when I do start shopping.