Support Steve (Next Wave CNC)
Mar 17, 2025, 3:55 PM EDT
The 2.2KW VFD/spindle motor has the potential to output 2.2Kw of power. You are correct the a 20 Amp outlet/breaker would be needed (minimum) to achieve the full output of 2.2KW. The output power is a designed maximum, the actual output is dependent on the load on the motor. In the CNC application on our machines there is not a situation where all 2.2Kw would or even could be used.
The supplier we use categorizes their products by Kw and we do as well because that is the maximum potential power that the VFD can output. We do not regulate the power output nor the RPM of the VFD's. The 13 Amp number is the maximum amperage draw of the 1.2KW spindle VFD system and is a typo in the 2.2Kw text (thank you for bringing this to our attention).
The Shark Talk post you referenced is probably correct even under a typical load while carving. Our HD machines are fused to 10 Amps when running a router so with a spindle motor/VFD our machines in typical use will not draw more than 10 Amps, meaning under normal use the 2.2KW VFD/Spindle motor does not use 2.2KW to operate.
The primary advantage to the 2.2Kw VFD/spindle system is the ER20 collet size so that 1/2" shank bits can be used. The 1.2Kw spindle motor cannot accept 1/2" shaft bits.
Should you have any further questions please feel free to contact us.
Next Wave CNC Tech Support
I am looking at the specs for your 3hp water cooled spindles and am confused by the numbers.
The page to purchase as an upgrade says it is a 3HP/2.2kw 24000 RPM spindle and plugs into a standard outlet requiring a 110v AC 15 amp circuit. It also says that the inverter (VFD?) is rated at 13 amps. Just doing the basic math (Watts/Volts = Amps) yields 20 amps to achieve a 2.2kw power. Obviously, you have to leave room for other amperage overhead for the control box/medallion with its power supply for the stepper motors under the 15 amp circuit max so I assume that is where the 13 amp VFD number comes from?
How is it possible to achieve 2.2kw on a 15 amp circuit? It seems misleading (frankly fraudulent) because your numbers are technically impossible without tripping the 15 amp breaker at full power so you must be using settings in the VFD to limit the amps to the motor (and possibly also the max RPM). I recently saw a post on the soon (literally any minute) to be shut down Sharktalk forum saying that they see the entire machine only pulling 7 amps when they run it. They may have just been running the spindle without cutting which will draw less power but that that is a far cry from 13 much less 15 amps and nowhere near the 2.2kw number. Even if you have configured the complete system to max out at 15 amps, a long running job at the breaker's max will often eventually trip a breaker so without configuration that keeps the max well below the stated 15 amp requirement, it seems a little sketchy to me.
What are the actual specs one would see while in use at max power.
--Nathan, TX. Hire the lazy man. He may not do as much work but that's because he will find a better way.