Thos. Moser Music Stand

I have thought about building this Shaker music stand from Thos. Moser's measured drawing in "How to Build Shaker Furniture" for a while.  The final push I needed came from viewing another member's wonderful build.  She was kind enough to provide me with some great advice from her build experience.

Most of the stand is built from the same cherry lumber that I used for these cabinets.  The history of the cherry is given in the description of that project.  The spindles and pins are turned from a pear tree that came down in front of our house during an ice storm in 2008.  Luckily, the tree just brushed the front of our house as it fell.

I formed the square slot through the pedestal using a dado set on the two halves and then glued them together.

In order to mount the hollow pedestal blank on the lathe, I left it a bit long and screwed some end pieces on.

If I built another one, I would not bother with the piece on the bottom.  Later in the process, I decided to glue a short piece that I cut off the square shaft into the bottom of the slot for added strength.  I would do this earlier and it would provide support for the lathe center.

These are the pieces after applying the Danish Oil finish and before the final assembly.

Posted elsewhere Nov 4, 2016.

“Fake quotes will ruin the internet” — Benjamin Franklin

beautiful stand chuck.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

I also had or have that book.  In moving I packed a lot of my ww books for good will.

I am a fan of T. Moser.

I think you did a great job with that build.  Congrats
