Japanese Inspired Tool Storage

After recently seeing both jwoodcraft's & Dave Polaschek's posts showing a Japanese toolbox and needed tool storage boxes I was inspired to combine them into my own rendition of a more craftsman-like approach to how I store my tools. This first experiment was going to be for the various hand-planes, my slick and pull-saw that have never had a dedicated "home" and were always migrating around my benches. I copied the profiles of the planes and made the bin separators with blocks to fill in around the bases to restrict rattling. A box jointed tray was fabricated and custom stops were installed to hold the slick and saw. With everything sanded to 400 grit and finishing wax applied the walnut and maple are smooth to the touch and show to good effect, with the "key" able to slide freely for ease of access. 

Some of my most creative moments have been when I've had to cover up an error in my woodworking.

Wow !! There is something about this one that keeps me staring.  Does anyone see
the arrow ?  Looks like an square arrow of wood was shot from the right side and broke 
thorough picture ... very cool.. 
Thanks, Super Joe. 
Hey Joe,
Are all the Eschers you’re making 3D or are they in a single plane and look 3D?
Hey Gary; Yes these are all Escher inspired and yes these are all single plane 2D creations. Their cross section is only 1/2". These have all been experiments in "forced perspective". The angles used and the different species colors make your eye want to see something that is in fact not there. 

Some of my most creative moments have been when I've had to cover up an error in my woodworking.

Nicely done!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".