Rocking Horse


Made one of these for my children and now making them for their kids. First one I made was for our daughter in 1977 and it is still going strong!

I’ve constructed them for pine, maple, ash, and oak but this is probably my favorite. Finish is rung oil. . . Several coats but definitely a labor of love.

Very nice – to be enjoyed for years to come – well done!


Very cool. Did you ever think about making an adult version. Maybe for a parent to ride along with the child? Lol nicely done

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

Thanks to all of you for the responses. I really appreciate it.

Jeff, that’s a terrific idea! Maybe I’ll build one. Only problem is that I don’t think I could lift the body!

Thanks again everyone. It is very nice to be recognized by such a distinguished group of people. . ?

a classic for sure.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Do you have any plans or just go from memory? I have seen a Star Wars Speeder Bike before that I would like to try as well.

That’s a fun design ,nice work.