My coldframe


I got some used windows on Craigslist a few years ago and I finally got around to making myself a coldframe. I am an avid gardener and now I will able to start plants earlier in the spring. It is made out of plywood sheathing that I painted white. I put weather stripping around the edge so the sash seals without leaks. I used 3" door hinges on the back and a door handle to open it The sash is held up with a board that has a hole drilled in the bottom and is adjustable by using t-nuts spaced every 2 inches and a jig knob that I got at Rockler. I put a couple of pieces of wood along the sash holder like a channel so it can’t twist and fall over. The back of the coldframe is 19 inches and it tapers down to 12 inches at the front and is 45 inches wide. It is facing South to catch the sun for solar heating when it is cold outside.

Looks super nice work

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

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