"Road Trip Scarf" inspired by a pattern from the Zooty Owl blog.


This is a beautifully made “Road Trip Scarf”, the pattern was inspired by a woman from Johannesburg, Gauteng. She created the pattern while on a road trip with her husband and has published it for free on her blog, the Zooty Owl.

This was my 3rd road trip scarf and I had entered it in the local County Fair here in PA, USA and won a blue ribbon. It was made with Red Heart Boutique Unforgettable yarn in “candied”. It’s a very soft yarn and works up nicely. The picture does not do the colors justice. Each flower has a pearl button and the scarf just crosses behind your neck. It’s made to wear in the front, which is great because a lot of coats are open in the front. It’s definitely an eye catcher, something different, and new this year.

I have this scarf available for purchase on my etsy site: https://www.etsy.com/listing/216152462/this-is-a-beautifully-made-road-trip?ref=shop_home_active_1, along with two others that I’ve made.

It’s new for 2014 and has become a very popular item. This scarf presents with beautiful colors.

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