Planting Bench


Just in time for Christmas for my mother-in-law from the kids. I made this planting bench with covered recessed potting soil bin. Made from 100% recycled oak and pine pallet wood. Hand planed wood to give hand hewn rustic look. Sealed with 3 coats of Thompsons sealer. Posted on my facebook page Christmas day and received 3 orders with a couple additional options.


Very nice usefull application for paler wood. This will get a lot of use I bet. Well done!

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

Gotta ad this to my project list. Looks nice and very functional. Thanks for posting.

Thank you. She is already starting to use it. We temporarily moved it into the garage. I designed it as I built it. Not the standard practice for me but it worked out this time.
Here are the dimensions: 65" W x 30" D x 66" H. Work surface is 32" H. Potting soil bin is 16" W x 24" D


This looks super ,glad she liked it.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

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