Pokemon WIP: 34 pokemon done


Here we are again!! ^-^I really enjoy working on this piece and it’s going really well :D I’ve reached row 112, and another few pokemon finished.

Muna’s done, Venonat’s antlers/feelers are finally finished, as well as Bidoof, newcomer Pidove, Cranidos, Shinx and Kriketot (left to right)

Shieldon is well on its way to being finished; we’ve reached patrat’s eyes (who had hardly showed up before LOL) Shellos was very difficult, it’s mounth wasn’t good on the pattern so I had to change three or four rows to get him smiling properly ;D Difficult, but worth it. Pansage is also a newcomer, and we have lots of Grimer and Seel happening, which I’m thrilled about XD

We also have some new arrivals: The yellow blotch behind Patrat’s tail is Blaziken, who will take time to make his proper arrival, but at least we already have a piece of him. Then Chingling, Drifloon, Farfetch’d and a little speck of Bellosom behind Seel’s tail.

Number of pokemon finished: 34!! Woo!
