The Dutch Carpenter


These are some of my creations i made out of reporposed wood.I am a woodworker who uses ONLY reporposed wood.Check me out at www/w092156 on face book. Thanks.

The Dutch Carpenter

Whenever anyone can repurpose, reuse or recycle, it is a win win. Great work, thanks for posting and keep on .

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

Thanks, i am trying to get the word out about recycling wood. Especially to contractors and builders.I go by job sites and see so much waist, its crazy.I want to set up some storage place where we can drop off old wood and either resell it or use it for helping those less fortunate.Thats my goal.I also love making things out of it , lol crazy things

The Dutch Carpenter

I also repurpose wood. I try to find old abandoned buildings to tear down. Unfortunately people would rather see them rot down than to let someone on their property to tear it down. I do get some though.

Gene Peebles Rent A Man

Cool design,nice work

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

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